Tuesday, March 8, 2011


backgammon as we in the west know it..
the game of gamers
the only game..

a board game in which two players
move their pieces
around twenty-four triangular points
according to the throw of dice,
the winner being
the first to remove all their pieces
from the board.

tables filled with men..
mostly men..
olde men, young men..
smoking men, drinking men

the click, chip, dash of dice
the pieces whipping away
brash, growly voices hammering one another
forward back..out in
smoke and more smoke..

i learned to play o so many years ago..
in greece..then turkey..then israel..
i was invited to play with the men...
mainly because i could hand roll a smoke with three fingers ~
(see hat trick in older posts..)
there in the purple haze of hookahs and chai..
i was taught the layout.. the count..the catch..the win.

as i cash in on the internet connection
at the chris cafe..
smoke, clash and dash
early morning gammon gamers
it all comes back to me..

milarepa tells us:
there is no end to worldly pursuits..
the game ends when we do..
keep a good heart -
practice diligently!

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