Thursday, March 31, 2011

my life as a dog

either i smell like a dog or look like a dog or am a dog...
canines keep turning up at my heels...
though the rains have been off and on and on and off again..
i thought i’d take the long walk to grikos ..
yesterday i was shown the way and rather than lose the scent...

i got off to a bit of a ragged start,
but found the path again and was golden..
all the way to the beach, to the holy rock..
coming up from behind me was the rca / victrola dog, nipper...
greeting him with courtesy, yet keepin’ on keepin’ on..
he continued to tag along..sniffing and lifting and scampering ..

shoo! you go on home now..
off you go..
my dog greek being even less effective than my people greek..

the rains kept keepin’ on,
i was getting wetter and wetter.
nipper kept keepin’ on..wet as well..
all along the road, up the back footpath.. all the way up to chora..

he had a collar and a tag.. barely readable...
soaked, nipper and i stopped at fotini’s for some real greek help..
through reading glasses and magnifiers..
she and a friend and i finally came up with the number..
and nipper’s real name..
it seems this fine dog of rca lineage belongs to a kind priest..
who came right over to collect him..
dog is my co-pilot!

just like that ~ i am dogless on patmos..


kat said...

wonderful, wonderful story! what fun reading you, dear one -- i'll stay tuned...

much palms-together love,

kat said...

all right - i'm going for this soup. kalamatas will be inferior, but maybe the co-op will have an acceptable version. sounds like serious gastronomic fun!


peace is healthy said...

so appreciate your comments..
adds a rich taste to the blog-about..