Tuesday, April 10, 2007

have i told you lately?

it is great good fortune to be able to walk:
to walk towards/in peace and unity..
to walk in simplicity..

i remembre an anecdote
from prime minister nehru...india..
when gandhi said..
he wanted to live simply
so others could simply live..
nehru retorted..kindly!
do you know how much
it costs me for gandhi to live simply?!

this walk would be very different for me
were it not for o so many of you
who have generously offered support..
money-wise, provisions, places to stay..
meals, mail collection and banking..
talismans of protection..
e-mails, comments of encouragement
and lovingkindness!

it has been a month
since we all gathered
at the school to step out
on the peacepath..
with a deep bow to YOUR feet;
my hands folded in gratitude..
thank you!

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