Saturday, March 31, 2007

# 9

the # 9 cabin at beacon point has the best shower
on the canal..and some of the best soft boiled eggs
i've had since sallie's..
ken said he learned the magic of soft boiled
from his father..or was that his mother?

we rummaged through his trinket box and
found the gift he was to offer to the next house.
a guardian angel pin..
turns out it goes to his next door neighbors,
dele and kathy!
dele brought ken the morning paper;
we met and i asked if he knew of any
place to stay down the road.
"i'm president of the lilliwaup
community club; you can stay there!"

yippee i o ki aye! i have a place to stay!
lilliwaup is 12 miles along the coast.
easy walkin'!
across the hamma hamma river..
some of the most tender landscape..

kathy, dele's wife made me a sandwich..
she was delighted with ken's gift
and sent along a small starfish and
an oyster pearl for the next host.

i met bob at ken's;
he comes by each morning to visit.
a retired professor..
we spoke of prescription drugs and hearing loss..
boats, and walking..
as i left ken's,
he put a peace sticker on his window.
"that will give them something to talk about!"

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