Monday, November 16, 2020

timely rain


from chögyam trungpa ~

in the jungles of flaming ego,

may there be a cool iceberg of bodhicitta.

on the racetrack of bureaucracy,

may there be the walk of the elephant.

may the sumptuous castle of arrogance

be destroyed by vajra confidence.

in the garden of gentle sanity,

may you be bombarded by coconuts of wakefulness.

it's very wet..squally..sopping..

the hummingbirds are gathering in droves 

for the sweet ambrosia i concoct..

one such bird is holding hostage

a feeder all to him/herself..

the others are joined two by twos 

to  snuggle up and share the nectar ..

as many as a dozen to a feeder..

community..not two..generosity..

as i stir each batch of sugar water

i chant the heart sutra mantra..

or the gayatri or om mani padme hum..

it seems i have a non-bodhisattva in the tribe !

it is said that generosity is the gateway to the bodhisattva path..

(no wonder the second phrase above the gateway to the

temple at delphi was: nothing in excess)

the giving practice is the practice of letting go..

letting go of narrow views, of concepts of small, tight and lack..

letting go of ownership, close-fistedness, insufficiency  ~

i must stir up my next quantity of nektar with "enough" mindfulness..

(recalling a bumper sticker - if you had enough would you recognize it)

a friend shared that she had offered some money to a  homeless fellow 

outside a coffee shoppe..and he said.. o, no thank you, i really have enough..

as i cultivate generosity in my own nature, all else follows generously..

i experience this as so!

next time i will whisk in the circle of offering ~ ampleness and plenty ~

then the dear renegade hummer will feel contentment..

igniting the wake-up mind of his/her own wide wingspan to gifting..

nurturing billions of brother and sister hummingbirds

with the syrup of bounteousness!



from *81 - daode jing 

......  the sage avoids accumulation--

the more (s)he works for others, the more (s)he has;

the more (s)he gives to others, the more (s)he gains.

the way of the heavens is to benefit, not to injure.

the way of the sages is to act, not to compete.

                      ~ translated by louis komjathy

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