Saturday, April 15, 2017

the brink! the interval! the eternal!

what a mystery..this time of birth and death and rebirth..
which of course is every moment of inhale and exhale ~

'tis very puzzling on the brink!
of what is called eternity
to stare and know
no more of what is here than there.
             ~ lord byron

we are always on a deeper and deeper pilgrimage
into the interior castle of the unknown..
hoping to find answers - yet do we really want to..?
to explain away the miraculous..the mystery..
not interested ~

i always like those questions that have no answers..

love this quote by h. l. mencken ..
penetrating so many secrets, 
we cease to believe in the unknowable.
yet there it sits,
calmly licking its chops!

and john fowles ~
because a star explodes 
and a thousand worlds like ours die,
we know this world is.
that is the smile!
that what might not be, is....

we are always on the brink!
the bardo of the moment..
now and always at the interval
betwixt birth and death and rebirth
bringing us to immortality
the deathlessness which is always ours
at the beginninglessness of time..

a conundrum..
to live our lives as if they mattered
yet know the speck for what it is..
space particles of love..
to be scattered and stretched away
from a self-center into an other-center..
fleeting and holy and mystifying..

for what is inside of you
is what is outside of you
and the one who fashions you
on the outside
is the one who shaped
the inside of you.
and what you see outside of you,
you see inside of you,
it is visible
and it is your garment.
 ~ the gnostics

wear it well ~

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