Sunday, December 18, 2016

let's keep our balance 2017

"The year 2016, like these winter days, will bring unknown gifts and challenges. We will need to be adaptable and flexible as we face a society and world that is growing ever more stubborn, opinionated, and inflexible. For this reason I want to suggest that the only resolution we make is to abandon New Year’s resolutions. They cause more angst and misery than accomplishment and happiness. They narrow our focus and give rise to unnecessary resistance. Instead of resolving to be someone different or accomplish something special, let’s go into each new day of the coming year expecting to be surprised. Let’s keep our balance, our flexibility, and our natural adaptability. Let’s dance when the music plays; work when the tasks arise; laugh and cry with ease; hold no stubborn opinions; and accept whatever comes as being the raw material of something new we never dreamed that we could do. This is all the world asks or needs of us.” 

i sent this quote out from bill martin last year..
january 4th..

we could change the year to 2017
and the sentiment would serve, yes?

in fear or resistance - we are pulled towards a past:
in desire or seeking - we are propelled towards a future.
resistance and seeking are the two essential forms
of the separate self.
the only place they cannot stand is now.
                              ~rupert spira

stay wholesome and holy ..
bring in the brilliance..
rest in the merriment of unfettered joy..
be full of good cheer ..
spread glad tidings..

o friendly dark unfold the sheath..
o blessed light bring forth the shimmer..
we hold the sun in the palm of our hand ~

glad yule ~ good yule!

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