Saturday, December 24, 2016

against the wind ~

'twas an early morning ride on spike, the bike, this day..
this 24th of december..along the sea coast of sea change
of our willful, grateful lives..
windy ~
the sky and backlit clouds talking god talk -
the wee crescent moonness waning to newness
firmament clearing after a day long rain drench ..
wind..coming straight to the basket, the bike, the bones..
legs lift, lift, lifting to pedal the breeze..

shadows then..descending..
0ne, three, twenty seven..
pelicans on parade..
flying floating against the wind..pedaling not..
gliding and riding the crest of the gale..
joined by more and many more wings..
pelicans, wellingtons..
otters laid back, belly up..
dolphins..leaping and hollering..
curly-cueing the waves
gulls painting the waterways white
with minions of pinions..

hanging from the sideview mirrors..
dripping  ~
while the bodies that shaped them
half bucked .. drying off the tears of the sea..

against the wind..these days ahead..
crawling out from the caves of complacence
riding the wake of radical trust..
owning the sovereignty of interdependence
letting go..of custody..
yet ontaking stewardship ..

one by one against the wind
'tis always so..
older now  ~
still..pedaling against the wind..

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