Thursday, December 1, 2011


9 out of 10..
well, maybe 8 out of 11
humanoids enjoy being spoken to / with..
unless they are plugged in and switched on..
then they don't even know they are spoken to...
once they find out that you are not out to harm them
or want anything from them..
they start moving at the speed of light..

i will use anything as a door way..a portal
to connect with them..
those look like very cozy boots ~
what a head of hair you have ~
where did you get those earrings? ~
that is a dandy smile on your face ~
what brand of dog is that? ~
where are your's cold... ~

they start dazzling and glowing and shimmering..
the conversation heats up and our hearts get warm..
by the time we pass one another, we are twinkling on all our cylinders..
it is a miracle!

my out on the street every morning..
with a gleam in his eye and a smile on his lips..
we always greet one another with our bright highbeams..
one morning, i gave him a handful of hersey's kisses..
to sweeten his day, of course..
so this morning, i offered him a tri-fold dollar..
he didn't want to take it..
c'mon..a cuppa coffee..
he winked and received the buck..

on my return, i see him at the table at mc d's..
facing the street..
he stands up and bows with his cup in hand..
i bow back..
we are golden ~

open the door..
it's warm in here..
moving at the speed of bright..

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