Monday, July 4, 2011

interdependance day...

emerson..dear ralph waldo..
wrote much on self reliance..

nothing is at last sacred
but the integrity of your own mind.

that virtue is what leads us to
comaraderie with other humanoids..

watching harold and maude again..
maude claims her relationship with humans..
they are her species, after all..
a genuine simpatico arises from that integrity..
hence our interdependance..
sincere & authentic friendship..
does it REALLY matter...
whether one is a buddhist, a republican..
a factory worker, a woodsman, a high roller, a jew..
what matters is the beating heart..
the breath and the death of every being..
it comes to that..
breath and death..

i recall being interviewed for a radio show..
the host asked:
what would i look for in a yoga teacher?
breath and death, i answered w/o hesitation..
let them teach you breath and death..
this opens the heart of compassion immediately ~
...on the spot..
i am he is you are she is we are all together
there is not one of us that lives without breath..
there is not one of us that lives without death..

the integrity of our own mind..
is the realization of our own death~
is the realization of our very breath...
polishing our sacredness, as dogen-zenji would say...

shine, shine, shine...
bowing to the light
we see,
we reflect,
we be..
......a sparkler!
may it be just so


snappingaway said...

unbeknownst to me - my heart went out in words... once I found a publication which read:
"I would love to live in a village with you in the Adirondacks. We would take care of each other and experience each other's moods swings and still stay with each other, regardless."
I did not write those words, someone else did.. how did they know?

ps- don't lose the double -o's in whippoorwill. everything is fine.

peace is healthy said...

edited for oooooo's!
w/ thanks..

MPS said...

These ponderings are so sweet, you sparkler you.