Wednesday, July 13, 2011


the awakened heart..the awakened mind...
awakening for the great benefit of others....
a mind and heart that is expanding..
in lovingkindness..
bright, luminous, awake

there are three paths to bodhicitta ~

the way of the king,
who primarily seeks his own benefit
yet recognizes that his benefit
depends on that of his kingdom and his subjects..

the path of the boatman,
who ferries his passengers across the river
and simultaneously ferries himself as well...

that of the shepherd,
who makes sure that all his sheep arrive safely ahead of him
and places their welfare above his own....
~ words of my perfect teacher
patrul rinpoche

the four immeasurables
serve as a template to awaken bodhicitta ..

mudita..unfettered joy..

these treasures when contemplated..
when absorbed in our mindstream..
become the very seed,
sprout, blossom and fruit
of precious bodhicitta..

we not only aspire to be of benefit to others..
we actually step out of our self-cherishing habits
awakening our delight in humanoids..
cultivating a genuine affection for all,
realizing their happiness is none other than our own..

the six paramitas..the six perfections..
stepping stones to bodhicitta..
enthusiastic perseverance

the footpath for a bodhisattva..
one who embodies light, clarity/charity, wisdom be continued....infinitely!

1 comment:

kat said...

let's hear it for the shepherd!

how much easier to be happy when you see no distinction between the joy of another and your own!

back to work on the 6!