Thursday, May 12, 2011

silver coins

put your cheek against this cheek.
forget anger and men planning war.
when i hold out silver coins, take them,
and give me a cup of gold light.
you can open the wide door of the sky.
surely you will open me.
all i have is emptiness.
give it a nickname.
breaker and healer, break and heal this head.
do not press your seal to that pistachio nut.
put it here. there is that in me
that has to be told fifty times a day.
stop hunting. step on this net.

returning with a bag of pistachios from aegina..
always rough on the thumb nails..those nuts..
the effort is worth the lime - pink gem inside..

fifty times or more..
stop hunting..
be the bounty in the net..
caught in the cup of golden light..

remembering a story by chogyam trungpa..
he drew on a sheet of paper
a wobbly triangular shape..
asking his students to tell him..
what is this?
they all answered ..
a bird of some sort..
he replied..bright-eyed ..
it is the sky..
the wide door of the sky..
with a bird flying thru....

see big..
listen wide..
step on the net..
and let it all down..

if you would be fed, be bread.

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