Friday, March 18, 2022

full moon musings - eirēnikos

3 in the morning..
a clamor of some sea bell 
if i listen deep enough
the hark bark of harbor seals
some comfort from the wild wet ones

cutting out paper hearts
colouring them blue and yellow
a ukraine leader declares peace
the way to freedom
emancipating the world 
perhaps the galaxies 

how to move about when one’s own heart
is shackled by the shackle of others
how to make things whole when 
there is a riptide in every holy haven
landscapes soaked in blood

breathing in bloodshed
breathing out boundless peace

there is a lighthouse 
a beacon
a flare 
a watchtower
in the pocket 
of every heart..
bearing witness
no turning away 
steeped, seeped 
with the wages of war

the perfect moonlight 
spotlighting the wisdom
of those who know 
the time 
for peace has arrived
is always arriving

not peace between two wars

the peace residing 
in the center of each heart
wide open by the bloodbath
drenched dripping 

come away 
come awake



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