Tuesday, June 29, 2021

note to email subscribers..



you lean with one arm out
against the porch post,
your big hand cupping its curve, 
shy of that handshake
we both know is coming.
and when we've said enough, 
when the last small promises
begin to repeat, your eyes
come to mine, and then
you offer your hand, 
dusted with chalk from the post,
and sticky with parting.
                      ~ ted kooser

i received a note from feed burner..
whoever they might be..
saying they would no longer feed
or automatically send out 
peaceishealthy posts..july 1..
i dunno...?
so dear subscribers ~
many heartfelt thanks for subscribing
and ..
please cheque the blog now and again 
to find some new posts..
though fallow for the last few months..
( the world around me felt somehow too too-some
to add anything too it..)
i have been blogging for the last 14 years ..
~ with a hiatus here and there ~
and will continue to muse about the this's and that's
that tickertape through my heart and mind..

as the cowgirls are wont to say ~
how can you miss me if i don't go away ?

much gratitude for reading, dear friends..

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