Sunday, February 14, 2021

holy wall of molies..

for everything that lives is holy ~

              -william blake-

a wing and a prayer yoga shala

was often graced with a holy "man" wall..

a holy person wall..these days..

vast numbers of push pins on cork 

held their numinous presences in place..

from  marilyn monroe, thomas merton,

the 14th dalai lama, bob dylan..

to yoda and ET 

jiddhu krishnamurti, my mother,

john and yoko..

the stretching cowboy,

ananadamayi ma  ..

neem karoli baba and baba hari dass,

bks iyengar and tkv desikachar..

pir vilayat inayat khan..hazrat inayat khan..

mother teresa and marcel marceau..

ramana maharshi, vivekananda, 

sri aurobindo and the mother,

saradha devi and sri ramakrishna..

dr. vasavada and babar..

on and on..

they will all be blessed 

on the burn pile

when the weather softens..

having been stashed away for  safe keeping..

it's time, yes! time to liberate them.. moksha!

however, dear friends of the dharma...

if you have a yen for one such holy moly,

send me a note and i'll send you the divine in photo..

please note :

some are tatty copies, newspaper clips..

lovers gather and give each other shade,

relief from the direct sun.

stay close by that community 

'til you become light like the moon,

then like the sun.

                ~ rumi