Sunday, December 20, 2015

winter solstice - dogen zenji

heaven has a singular clarity.
earth has a renewed peacefulness.
each person attains ease.
the season moves into light.
this is the time when days become longer.

this is the timeless moment to attain buddha ancestors' infinite life.
all of you aspire and practice within this timelessness.
endeavoring to follow the way, you must actualize one phrase.
when timelessness is realized, you are powerful.
when timelessness is realized, you are alive.

bring forth the three hundred sixty days
with beads made of buddha ancestor body.
what do you achieve day by day?
the buddha ancestor body and mind.
what do you achieve day by day?

the buddha ancestors' body and mind are timelessness.
your true face is a great jewel forming in heaven.
how long have you awaited timelessness?
this auspicious day knows the increasing light of opportunity.

the sun reaches the southernmost declination!
the north pole tilted furthest away from the sun -
o my o!

the heart of yule is evergreen
the old year gone, the new pristine
the wheel again will turn to spring
this blessed time much joy to bring
                   ~ cari ferraro

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