Thursday, December 12, 2013

heart sutra sits..2014!


here is what is scheduled for the heart sutra meditations..
they are always on sundays - 4pm until 6pm
offered by donation

january 12th
february 9th
march 16
april 13
may 25

that's enough  for now..
subject to change, of course ~
what isn't?

the 2-hour sesshin begins
with the chanting of the heart sutra ~
we roll through our malas (prayer beads)
a mantra a bead for the grande total of ..108..
om gate gates
then sit to even us out..
next  kin-hin - walking meditation for about 10 minutes..
followed by 2 (two) 25 minute sits..
we do take a standing breather for 5 betwixt..

it is sooooo worth while..

form is emptiness, emptiness is form.
emptiness is no other than form,
form is no other than emptiness...

o really...?

1 comment:

Ricky said...

dunja, are you saying on your holiday schedules that the Wednesday December 25 and Thursday December 26, as well as the Wednesday January 1 and Thursday January 2 classes are canceled? Not Tuesday as is mentioned?