Sunday, November 4, 2012

a year to live

a year to live in seattle..
it's a wrap....
from autumn to autumn

the long walk to myrtle edwards park
in the early, dawn hours..
the homeless who shared their morning light with me..
dogs, runners, cyclists..

volunteering at real change,
teaching at neighborcare health clinics,
the prison...

free concerts all year long..
inside and out..
the seattle art museum,
the seattle public library..
subbing for yoga studios,
practicing w/ marquerite and phen
at the foster white gallery..

shopping at uwajimaya,
goodwill and value village..
riding the bus..the ride free zone..
my orca card ~
walking the labyrinth..
first thursdays @ nord alley..

riding my bike all the way to elliott bay marina
past strong boy totem
past the railroad yard
past the graffitti - not worried
past baby raccoons
past osprey nests
past blackberries galore

flirting with the general public
on a very regular basis -
olde men, young kids,
tender grannies, tourists, locals,
babes in bassinets,
handsome fellas, funkie chicks,
wooing, cooing, sweet talking ~

carrying the john t. williams totem pole
rest in peace.. john t.
after almost dying in india
being alive back in seattle
being alive period

alive under the steady
sometimes cloud-hidden gaze
of rainier

traveling to anacortes every week
for saturday morning yoga class
being fed by the grace and kindness of the students..
gas prices..

abiding nowhere
early morning zazen
matcha tea

walking everywhere always
standing for peace on tuesdays

the cherry, the jewel, the crown..
walking to safeco field..
all season long ~
standing behind home plate
serving the fans..
watching the game..
i love baseball
go mariners!

~ just when i am handing back the key to the emerald city ~

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