Tuesday, April 26, 2011

starbucks & sony i phones

piraeus, the ancient port of greece
has a starbucks ..a few years now..
they were not able to accept
my starbucks gift card, however..

the fish market stalls are snestled
right up to the fruit and vegetable stands..
the butchers next to them..

cheese pies on all the corners ~
along with o so many hawkers selling
quart size lighters and bizarre sewing kits..

sitting on a harbour park bench
with an elder woman..
like two old pigeons resting
in silence and the intermittent sun..
cooing ever so cooly in our different tongues..
the smell of sweet orange sneaking up our noses..

a flying dolphin will wing me to aegina..
the commuter island for athenians..
slowly i will make my way back to the world..
then i'll take on athens..

a fast talking hustler approached me..
you want this sony iphone..
the best..only .
no, no, no..i tell him
sony is not iphone -
that is phony iphone

i love you, he tells me..
i love you back!

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