Monday, January 28, 2008


it's an urdu word that means tip.
the muslims still use it.
a tip which is given as a sign of love
from a master to a servant;
from one who appreciates another.

here in india...
those on the streets, the beggars
the lepers, the disfigured...
use it to get the attention
of those passing by..

when i was in kerala,
for the first time in all my visits..
i rode in a rickshaw driven by a woman!
the fare was 30 rupees..
i just had to give her 100..

near many of the temples,
those seeking a tip line up
to receive the offering from those
in attendance to prayer.
i have seen a tibetan man
with a fresh stack of ten rupee notes
go down the line distributing baksheesh.

a school boy be-friended me
on my morning walk asking for baksheesh.
we stopped at the water shoppe;
he got a kit-kat bar and was on his way.

the young western girl took a digital photo
of the one-legged man who was asking for some rupees.
she showed it to him immediately..
that was enough and he returned the gift
with a huge smile!

when the young ones come up,
they are usually in a trance of sorts..
repeating over and over..
give me ten rupees, ten rupees, ma..
so i find out their names..
it takes a few times asking to break the spell
yet when it happens, i get a wide smile
along with their good name..
i give them cashews or almonds which
they nibble up right away..
it seems that the money they get
has to go back to...???

once, while in a shoppe attempting
to re-charge my indian cell phone..
three girls came in
with a piece of paper which said..
we are from such and so and such..
please give us money to buy new clothes..
both the shoppe-keeper and i were
in the thick of things with airtel
and held them off..
the lead beauty would have none
of us having none of them..
she persisted with an intensity
kali herself would admire..
the young woman and i locked eyes
in an fierce embrace..
neither one of us budging a blink...
finally, we both saw the depth of each other
and broke into smiles..
i handed over 10 rupees..
and off they went..
a few days later,
we met on the street..
recognizing each other
with a bow and namaste..
the ultimate tip!

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