Thursday, September 15, 2011


california.. central coast..
drippy.. wet with mist of sea-
the fog rolls in and stays put..
the days are grey and cool..
except when they aren't ..
which is every 9th day or so..

it is good weather
for clearing and cleaning..
for letting go..
here with my long ago pal
from the earlies..
to shift the energies..
clear the stale ..
open her house to life
in the now..

resting my head
in the del monte forest..
at the home of another long ago pal
and his beauty from the earlies..
hanging ten with their dog, tika...
a most inspiring shepherd
of great wisdom and pull..
(her sis, tashi is away for training..)
and 6 cats to purr with
when their owners fly off
to naples for a visit to vesuvius..

sammy, the maine coon..
is the main squeeze of the house..

here's a tail about the breed..
captain charles coon,
an english mariner,
kept long-haired cats aboard his ship...
whenever coon's vessel would anchor
in new england harbours,
the felines would scamper off the boat
to mate with the local feral cats....
long-haired kittens began popping up
in litters of the township's cat population~
hence dubbed: 'coon's cats.'

the 5 feral cats have been
moved to the house on the hill
from the horse barn..
happy not to be a meal
for late night predators..
there is:
grige..short for grigio..
smorf and bibi..
home sweet home..

at the equinoxes..
when day and night
are near equal in length..
great change is apaw..
the fog lifts..
the mists part..

seeds that were planted have blossomed ..
the season of change re-arranges..voila!
harvest time ~
a crop of cats,
a yield of space,
a vintage of fresh..
pristine awareness is spry and awake..
the broom sweeps the brume..

clear sailing!


Carol said...

Now HERE'S a thread I can get behind.....clear sailing! Actually, I love them all, you know.....especially the cats.

kat said...

i love the atmosphere you're in
and your poetic clarity