Saturday, September 10, 2011

what is contemplation?

the knowing that arises
above and beyond
the process of thinking.
it leads to
not being fooled
by thinking anymore...

~ven. ajahn chah

in all our actions..
sitting, walking, standing and lying down..
are we bamboozeled by thought?
do we take ourselves out of the present..
meaning ..
do we take ourselves out of our very own life
by meandering down the labyrinth lanes of thought?

i do..says the bride..married to thought..

the everyday practice is simply to develop
complete acceptance and openness to all
situations and emotions, and to all people,
experienceing totally without mental
reservations and blockages, so that one
never withdraws or centralizes
into oneself.

~ dilgo khyentse rinpoche

thinking is the movement of mind.....
the ground -
(where all this roiling takes place)
- is the real mind..
the just is..
this is our true home..where our very life abides..
no movement..
no coming or going..
no birth, no death..

we use the movement of the mind
to contemplate the nature of mind..
to re-cognize the suchness..
less and less affected ..
no longer hoodwinked by thought..

resting in spaciousness..ground..
rather than the rampage of thought-

if recognition happens simultaneous with thought..
we are self-liberated in the moment..
in the middle of our very life...

make it so!

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