Tuesday, May 22, 2007


in my osprey back pack,
i have 2 pairs of underwear.
there is a space blanket,
an extra pair of tennis shoes,
2 pairs of smart wool sox,
2 camisoles; 1 wool, 1 silk.
i have gortex rain pants,
1 smart wool long sleeve t-shirt,
a hoody, a light rain jacket
and a wool knit cap.
there is a bag of tricks..
tooth brush and paste, a comb,
face creme, floss and bandaids.
1 small book, a pen
and a red blinking light.
a bag of sage, a flashlight
and a small mirror..
talismans offered by friends
along the way..

when i met up with companions
in san francisco for the teachings
with the dalai lama,
susan s. brought me a duffel
full of clothes for the city..
now i had an abundance
of socks, pants, shoes
and prayer shawls.

..an abundance of choices..
too many laundry opportunities!

simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!
i say, let your affairs be as
two or three,
and not a hundred or a thousand;
instead of a million
count half a dozen,
and keep your accounts
on your thumb nail.
henry david thoreau

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