Sunday, May 20, 2007

the fork

"when you come to the fork in the road, take it."
yogi berra

'tis over two months..
(is that all?)
since i walked out of my home towne
with bright intent and a brisk gait.
what a brilliant scene with the many
who joined in!

since then, the adventures of
walking for peace, being peace..
being non-peace, being non-being,
have earned me the certificate
of 'only this'.

i have met myself on the road.
(kill her!)
stood on the threshold
of the abyss..
opened the gate..
thrown in the ring.
(it is still on my bloody finger!)

the practice walk has
grifted me much:
the simple and honest truth
that my 'want to'
isn't big enough to get me across
the u. s. of a. this time..

ah! so.. amigas and amigos!
i admit to great disappointment.
it feels a bit like i have
walked halfway up the mountain;
a feat j. krishnamurti would call mediocre!

and is downright silly for me
not to
listen to my heart..
that is the essence of peace,
it was a test, the practice walk..
to see what i was made of..
i admit to flimsy..
it has earned me some proud flesh,

and so..
i am still on the road..
all who wander are not lost
on the peace trail..
awaiting instructions..

see how the flesh grows back across a wound,
with a great vehemence,
more strong than the simple, untested surface before.
there's a name for it on horses,
when it comes back darker and raised:
proud flesh...
a single fabric
that nothing can tear...

the journey itself
was not so difficult..
it simply came down to..
that much time,
that much energy
on the shoulders
of the roads
that are very narrow
(we like broad shoulders!)
full of exhaust
(it is exhausting)
with large cars, fast drivers
and things that go bump in the light!

not for this puppy..

as yogi says:
"it ain't over 'til it's over."