timely rain
in the jungles of flaming ego,
may there be a cool iceberg of bodhichitta.
on the racetrack of bureaucracy,
may there be the walk of the elephant.
may the sumptuous castle of arrogance
be destroyed by vajra confidence.
in the garden of gentle sanity,
may you be bombarded by coconuts of wakefulness.
~ chogyam trungpa
The Buddha said that we are never separated from enlightenment. Even at the times we feel most stuck, we are never alienated from the awakened state. This is a revolutionary assertion. Even ordinary people like us with hang-ups and confusion have this mind of enlightenment called bodhichitta. The openness and warmth of bodhichitta is in fact our true nature and condition. Even when our neurosis feels far more basic than our wisdom, even when we’re feeling most confused and hopeless, bodhichitta—like the open sky—is always here, undiminished by the clouds that temporarily cover it.
~ pema chodron
vajra ..sanskrit .. diamond / thunderbolt
..a power tool of.. indestructibility
eat nourishing food..
sleep just enough..
wake early..
be feral..
be fearless
be fearless
be fearless
and kind.......
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