Tuesday, June 14, 2016

the path of great awakening ~

all.. of us..
are on the path of great awakening..

too many still look outwards,
some believing in the illusion
of victory and of victorious power,
others in treaties and laws,
and others again in the overthrow
of the existing order.

but still too few look inwards,
to their own selves,
and still fewer ask themselves 
whether the ends of human society
might not best be served 
if each man and woman tried 
to abolish the old order of 
him- or her- self,
and to practice in their own person
and in their own inward state,
those precepts, 
those victories which they
preach at every street corner,
instead of always expecting these things 
of their fellow men and women..

every individual needs revolution,
inner division,
overthrow of the existing order,
and renewal,
but not by forcing them upon their neighbors
under the cloak of christian love
or the sense of social responsibility
or any of the other beautiful euphemisms
for unconscious urges to personal power.

individual self-refection,
return of the individual
to the ground of human nature,
to their own deepest being
with their individual and social destiny -
here... here ~
is the beginning of a cure for that blindness
which reigns at the present hour.

                           - carl jung

and again.. joseph campbell's words
(from yesterday)

hail, essence, hail!
fill the windows of my soul
with beauty:
pierce and renew my bones:
pour knowledge into my heart
as wine.   

if we can hold to our center ~
move and breathe from our deepest being ~
from essence ~
the path opens before us..
the path of great awakening..
we walk it
step by step
the eye of clear seeing
leading the heart
guiding the footsteps
a beacon..a flash of light..
could these be our feet..our heart..?
on this wretched great path of awakening

worth a try ~


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