Sunday, January 17, 2016


to break a promise

make a place of prayer, no fuss,
just lean into the white brilliance
and say what you needed to say
all along, nothing too much, words
as simple and as yours and as heard
as the bird song above your head
or the river running gently beside you.

let your words join
one to another
the way the stone nestles on stone,
the way water just leaves
and goes to the sea,
the way your promise
breathes and belongs
with every other promise
the world has ever made.

now, leave them to go on,
let your words
carry their own life
without you, let the promise
go with the river.

have faith. walk away.

                  ~ david whyte
(dw spoke of the title that could easily
be to make a promise..the poem being 
identical for both)

vows, bonds, pledges, promises ~
yikes! we offer so many in any day..
so many broken in as many days..
can we really promise anything?
is it not an expectation & a presumption
to even ask it of ourselves or one another?
every promise, vow and pledge
must be untethered from it's very speak
it's very claim..if it is to be true..
in the only moment we know ..
it must be momentary, yes?
with a subtext of fine print
that states just this now only whoosh!
always walking away -

we promise again..
vow again..

as rumi says:
even if we have broken our vows a hundred times,
come..come..come yet again..come..

whoosh !

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