Monday, April 21, 2014

alert! emergency roadtrip!

nothing is secure but life, the living of it..
transition, the energizing spirit..
people wish to be settled; 
only so far as they are unsettled
is there any hope for them..
                ~ rw emerson

ah so!
my long time pal and anam cara, barbara..
drove up for a visit..
spring it were..
turns out she ended up with some weird shoulder
that has left her in pain..the kind you can't even spell..
like.. excruciating...
unendurable..unbearable..very rough stuff..
after 3 visits to the walk-in clinic @ the hospital..
it is so -
i am driving her back to california....
she flies me back in a week ~

hence, ergo, consequently..
some classes will be taught by others..
some cancelled..

the week in question is this week..
from tuesday, april day..
thru saturday, april 26th
these are the changes :
TUESDAY / THURSDAY classes are cancelled ~
WEDNESDAY / FRIDAY classes - Jeri will teach ~
SATURDAY class - Ricky will teach  ~
ever so grateful to these fine ones for stepping in so quickly..

thank you all for your kind consideration
regarding these sudden & unforeseen changes..
please light some candles for us ~
yours from south of the border,

the glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, 
not the kindly smile, 
nor the joy of companionship; 
it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one 
when you discover that someone else believes in you 
and is willing to trust you with a friendship.
                 ~ rw emerson

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