Monday, March 10, 2014

memory tin ~ march 10 2007

everywhere is walking distance
if you have the time.    
           ~stephen wright    

i had pulled out this red square tin
( house cleaning..for gutor..)
a cookie tin, i think..
a holiday box from cost-co years ago..                                                                                                   given to me by a friend w/ begging bowl in it..
and money..alms.. for the walk i was intending..

now it held the lettres, notes and newspaper clippings -
remnants of my walk-about for peace..
re-reading these bits of notes..
it's as if this journey
you are about to embark on
is setting so many of us free.   
a mendicant..indeed ~
"in my own way i admire your dreams
enclosed is a tuppence for your bowl.."

" i am not excited about your pilgrimage on foot;
our America today is not very similar to the America of Thoreau,
sad to say! i will pray for you.
enclosed is a small check to add to your bowl."    (my auntie l.)

"step by step walk ten thousand miles safely,
everyone has a chance to fill 'empty bowl'
for exchanging of good karma ..."

it has been 7 years since my walk for peace ~
march 10, 2007
first heading to california to see the dalai lama..
then plans to keep going across america..

in the tin were long lettres and missives
from yoga students...all friends..
stories and tales of our practices together..
through pregnancy and the birth of children
you have guided my poses with nudges and humor.
you have influenced so many peoples lives
including my own;
your energy radiates like ripples on the water.
i know you'll have an amazing adventure.
i am counting on the day that your shoes will wear out
and your knees will need a home to rest in..
that you'll be back and we will stretch and breathe together again..

sounds like a walkabout for you.
the wonder of it all is near and far.
how blessed you are
to be a star 
so bizarre 
watch out world
the witness is free on you.
smiling at the game
wanting to know your name
no longer bound
to all the hullabaloou
all around.
"walking not talking"
a presence  aware of you.
you are like music.
we can have and not hold.
may your cup or bowl overflow
with blessings.
              - john michael simon

lyrics from songs..lyric
As I was walking that ribbon of highway,
I saw above me that endless skyway:
I saw below me that golden valley:
This land was made for you and me.
When the sun came shining, and I was strolling,
And the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling,
As the fog was lifting a voice was chanting:
This land was made for you and me.
                                   ~woody g.

lettres i had written to my mama ~
easter sunday
dear mama,
i have 20 days to get to san francisco to see the dalai lama..
then dave (duck) will help me chart my route across the country..
i would like to depart on may 25th..
blood sugar is weepy but i keep walking..
meeting very amazing folks -
people are peace ~
what a blister on my heel!
salta prima di inacidire  ~ leap before you sour

feathers and red strings and mystery notes ~
aw, this world 
of dust and money 
and war.
      and yet,
here is something beautiful...
it's color begins in your hand.
it's shape is your touch.

a hand-made bracelet which says:
feeling light within - i walk
         ~ navaho song

pictures of the walk..
early morning at mt. erie parking lot..
it was COLD!
mama was there in her wheel chair,
nancy, too, showed up in hers..
we all rolled and strolled and strode..
stepping forward to embrace peace..
many walked with me across deception pass bridge that day..
i rested that eve in coronet bay at irmi's home..

you cannot travel on the path before you have become the path..
as it turned out,
i did not have the humankind..
to keep walking across the u. s. of a.
actually, i did not have the faith in myself  ~
my feet took me to crescent city, though..
we must find it in ourselves before we can find it in others..

a trek w/o a destination -
you must know that even though you were disappointed
in the curtailment of your journey -
to me and to others ..
it had the appearance of a great accomplishment
requiring compassion, concentration and wisdom..
i myself cannot imagine walking across the county
much less two and a half states!
     -p. d.

there were many, many more messages..
so kind loving..
flattering & appreciative -
expounding my greatness of this and that.. 
pride thought .. hummm..?
i must save these ..
when i die and these are found 
all will see the how dandy i was!!!!
of course, that thought obliterated itself
as i set about to let go of the olde ..
time to release..leave no trace..
~ the burning bowl is full of ash ~

my knees and the trees and the gravel
recall every step of that most spirited journey..
on the path to be the path..

went back & re-read the walkabout blogposts..
i vividly remembre composing and singing my chudpa walking tree song
o you trees...
the big baaad dog
foaming at the mouth..
the proposal from harvey
not a good idea -
the tin foil blanket
space age science?..noooo -
the truckers - the couches -
the wet, wet rain -
      i  do remembre ~

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