Thursday, February 20, 2014

all this is full ~

the function of freedom is to free someone else.
                             ~ toni morrison

i make full prostrations
to a great benefactress
of a wing and a prayer ~

ora mae petersen

with her kind and generous heart..
her exquisite hand ~ art-filled & wise ~
her comradeship with maestro marvels..
loving support & devotion from her tender family ~
time, time, time in the midst of living a life..

with a wing and a prayer quote book,
ora mae has vouchsafed a bright blessing
on a wing and a prayer yoga studio...

chanting her praises..
100, 00000000 pranams

giving thanks for abundance
is sweeter than abundance itself..

i know nothing better than gratitude
which brings in its wake
the daily bread and its increase..
                  - rumi

1 comment:

sisu said...

Only in America can the illegitimate daughter of a genius drunkard and a Bohemian concubine buy her way into polite society.............on the shirttails of a family she professes to want no part of. Ewwwwwwwwwww....not peaceful at all!