Friday, November 29, 2013

yoga in anacortes 2

many a folk turned up for our gratitude in motion
thanksgiving yoga class yesterday..8 am ..imagine..
we filled the studio with 22 yoginis and yogis
& collected $715 to send off to yoga behind bars..

                                        ~ rumi

thank you - to all who participated..
stretching the edges of our own walls..
opening the doors, windows & pockets
of our hearts, bones & minds...

please drop the friday afternoon class
(4:30pm) from your schedules ~

if you feel a need to climb those 3 flights of stairs
on friday, decembre 6th..a wing will be open
for the first friday art walk ..

heart sutra sit..rohatsu..
sunday, decembre 8th
by donation

it is rare to meet one another 
and practice what is rare to practice.
    ~ dogen

ever so greatful for our practice together..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

~ wing & a prayer ~
book of quotes
108 quotes, poems & sayings selected by dunja written in calligraphy by Ora Mae on sheets measuring 11 x 4 ¼ ”
held by book boards covered in Lama Li papers with the wing & a prayer design on the cover.
~ * ~
Books may be pre-ordered at any time before the release date by cash or check payable to dunja lingwood.
We are asking $108 – just $1 per page.
After we recoup our materials costs, all proceeds will go towards upkeep of the studio: rent, floors, mats,etc.

We will release only 108 copies
of the original hand-assembled book.
However, orders placed by Dec. 21st 2013 will include a disc of the scanned calligraphies from which prints may be made.

The finished books will be available on February 14th – Valentine’s Day! – 2014. We will host a book release party with plenty of love & gingerbread cookies for all.

NOTE: If you want to give this as a holiday gift we will have lovely printed Certificates available by December 15th.

Lama Li paper is handmade by Nepalese villagers & 10% of profits benefit their community development projects.