Friday, March 16, 2012


soul flies in empty space,
a single candle in the huge palace.

bird-shadows cross whatever they happen to cross,
lovers pay attention only to the ecstasy of their love.

i jumped off a cliff to find out the true nature of soul.
do not sit inside the sadness of powerful, self-absorbed people.
become the ground under your own feet.

the soul's joy enters a guest house
where shams tabriz is host.
no one is there.


i have let go of everything that clings to me..
everything i cling to ~
what is left ..
if anything
could be, might be,
yet even that is empty of arms that grasp and sticky things..
if i try to pick something up..
a practice, a belief, a talisman to adore..
it weeps away from me..

leaving me generous..on the brim..
to jump again..
no one will catch me..

i am my own net

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