Tuesday, November 8, 2011


every so every i am certain
i have written my last post for the blog..
chanting one of nancy's favorite mantras..
who cares?

god does not care.
and not only does god not care,
god does not care one way or the other...

~ lawrence durrell

i have been praised -
you should write a book!
and blamed -
never. ever. never.
use a person's real name

liked - disliked
famed - disgraced..

sun strikes mountain glory..
aire gushes vitality..
leaves puddle pools of brilliant crispies..
...here i go again..

settling down to peck away at keys ~
getting the world off my chest..
out and out and out ..
rippling into the big vast..

where who cares and no one cares..
one way or another..

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