Tuesday, April 19, 2011

photo op...

the livelihood for the rest of my days here
has arrived in the palm of my hand ~
along with the swoop of tourists
that are pouring in for these high holy days...

everyone wants their picture taken..
with the monastery in the backgroud..
or the windmills..or the wide open sea...
since i am aimlessly wandering about
on the footpaths from dawn 'til dusk..
i am asked..
parakalo, por favor, s'il vous plait,
bitte, lutfen, per favore
take our picture - take our picture...

the digital camera is a new one on me..
every time i am ready to focus and shoot..
laughter issues from the other side of the frame..
no, non, nee, ochi, nej...
ha! ha! ha!
you not need stick your eyeball onto the camera..
ha! ha! ha!
every time a new camera lands in my hand..
can you teach an olde dog new tricks?
i do it again..

not only am i the questionable
photogragher extraordinaire for the island..
i have become the jester of the hillsides..
though not rewarded
with financial security or health-care benefits..
i am paid handsomely with all these giggles and grins..

someone once said of thomas merton..
'he could hardly blow his nose without writing about it' ~
ha! me too....
say cheese, fromage, tupi, queso, ost, fromaggio!


Anonymous said...

Dear Madame,
Can you make me thin and young in that shot? Frame me beautiful next to the sea.

Queso chica! Snap!

peace is healthy said...

consider it done, madamoiselle!