Wednesday, March 23, 2011

critical mass

an editor wrote a note
to an enterprising, new writer:

"you have made the mistake of thinking
everything that is happening to you or
has happened to you is interesting."

i resemble that remark ...
attempting to write every day..
that being the platitude of wanna-be-writers -
i find myself editorializing every mood, action..
new surprize around the corner
waiting to spring me open....
yet.. i do find each happening interesting..
full of the vim that makes for a life..

perhaps it is the simplicity of the place..
the vibrant, awake silhouette of a far island..
the sea and sky that never rests in complacency..ever..
the faces of the elders and the young ones..
hey! the everyones..
the advertisements we hang out for the sale of ourselves..

sweeping..toting garbage to the neighborhood bins..
the churches on every corner..when do they open?
evedokia, one of my namesakes..offering me sweet bread,
pointing out the four apostles so ancient, so holy
on the inner walls of the sanctuary...
the atm machine giving my balance in euros..
cats, cats and more cats..
pockets full of friskies..
what kind of birds are those?
edgar allan poe raven crows

the lizards posing in the creases of the rock walls..
playing blind man's bluff until one will stop to show off
his lime green racing stripes; his long whip of a tail..
meeting the local goat herder, michael
who i envision as the archangel~
the wilde flowers breaking ground with varieties unknown..
pods of red poppies like sallie's petit pointe..
the huge cruise ships skimming the sea surface
gliding into port while all the shoppes scamper to open..
cutting my fingernails..
watching the clippings bake in the sunshine..
( now this is the deep end of interesting )

then of course, the moods that run through the mind..
what if i die here?
will someone come and get me?
the surge of joy i get when yanni honks his bus horn at me..
the dejection when he doesn't see me...
the sincere delight when someone, anyone.. understands my meek greek..
the despair of knowing war is obsolete..
are we going down with the ship..? this practice of benefit?
differentiating every nano-second
between loneliness and aloneness..
solitary refinement ~
i - witness news
o where o where is the stability?
interesting, eh?

it was brugh joy who said..

there are three sets of mental fetters
to give up if you want to be truly free:
needing to know why...

soooooooooo, i just keep writing..
my interesting details..
god being in them.
the amrit of words..
keeping these fingers nimble
for advanced mental gymnastics -
o blah dee, o blah dah....
life goes on...

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