Friday, June 1, 2007

grazing on stillness

white deer,
brought here
from the mountains of the east
for hunters to aim at,
now grazing in sweet grass,
peaceful among their sisters.
slanting sunlight warms their fur
as they nibble tender plants.
there is stillness and balance
in the winnowing air.

So does our own spirit path
bring us out of the high mountains
where we touch the sky,
descending into a life
of ensnarement and stealthy appetite,
on the run most of the time
as the juggler tosses fate into the air.

until finally we too seek
the sweetest grass,
the stillest air,
and find beside us the juggler,
also at rest.
-gaila mackenzie

on may 13th, mother's day..
i stood still.
for the five minutes after 1 pm,
a group of women, children and
babies gathered to stand in silence.
suzanne k. had posted the place..
the gazebo
at jewell park
in pacific grove..

we formed a semi-circle,
facing out to the street..
the sun was warm,
the aire was still..
drivers looked up
as they rounded the curve,
questions in their eyes..

we had an answer -

we do..we must.. come down
from the mountains that refresh us.
we come down to be the balance,
to graze on the kindness of others,
to gift back our own offering of love.

1 comment:

Eileen said...

sounds wonderful.... there are few times I really get to experience stillness... it always leaves me refreshed... and hungry for more!