Friday, March 30, 2007

fred and harvey

both are dear friends to me..
fred i have known longer..
he has a cabin on dabob bay..
harvey is his pal that helps him move about.
harvey wants to marry me..
i've told him it is a bad idea..
actually, i think he believes me!

abby and the family have sent fred
a japanese glass float from alaska..
the glass ball.
fred had two smaller ones already..
3's a charm..
my favorite #..
he will send on to ken
an ancient trade bead from africa!

may the circle be unbroken!

fred is a most amazing man..
parkinson's is courting him..
he dances in the light with that partner..
a poet, a writer
una and her jungle adventure
a painter..
anyone remembre cafe sabika?
on pike or pine?
that was fred's..

we watch alot of movies..
eat alot of chips..
walk on the beach
gather treasures
heart rocks, shells..
talk until there is no more breath..

harvey picks me up to take me to quilcene
and hwy 101..
his car is decked out with two waving american flags!
he put a peace sticker on his window..
he reads the bible everyday..
he still wants to marry me!

he slipped me some green
it is startng to rain..
i walk, walk, walk..
in the rain, rain, rain..
over walker mountain..
somehow i feel that i am taking my first step..

"if you do not grasp with your mind,
you will find a fresh state of being."

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