the world is a beautiful place to be born into
it's late..
it's early..
it looks like noon outside..
noisy, too..
the geese are moving..
trolling for a place to catch forty
i am up in a pool of brilliance..
the moon/
after much reflection says/
Sun is God
i've gone back to the beginning
(of the blog..and this longstanding missive)
~ the walkabout from anacortes to california ~
attempting to traverse the usa
what is light what is air what is life so passing fair?
coming up on 14 years
(march 10) long live tibet
since we gathered at mt. erie school
and walked to deception pass together..
there are some gems of poetry tucked in..
many stories of random acts of kindness ..
hints of things to come..
(my hip was mentioned early on
and lo! titanium 10 years later...)
i really could write a book
what dawns on me
in this dawn's early light
is the precariousness..
(mid 17th cent.: from Latin precarius ‘obtained by entreaty’
(from prex, prec- ‘prayer’) + -ous.
and the big-heartedness..
the far rockaway of the heart
placing myself at the feet
of so many along the way
the prayers volunteered for my safety ..
it was a trip to be out on the highways -
such freedom and travail
rolled into one long ribbon of road..
made of love and light and dung/
some great immortal song
what made me start?
what made me stop?
a mysterious sooth-sayer
giving me marching orders
pushing me to halt!
I am signaling you through the flames.
now the now is always here
the kindnesses persist
in the smallest and brightest and most baffling ways
we are made for each other
poets of life, liberty and the pursuiters of happiness
wooing and cooing our way along the Way
the moonglade that glides us toward our destiny
will we walk? will we run?
far-seeing sybil, forever hidden,
come out of your cave at last
and speak to us in the poet's voice
the voice of the fourth person singular
the voice of the inscrutable future
the voice of the people mixed
with a wild soft laughter—
and give us new dreams to dream,
give us new myths to live by!
lawrence ferlinghetti