Sunday, December 23, 2018

sound the bells..

sound the bells for untangling the mangling
sound the bells for waking the children
sound the bells for comforting the elders
sound the bells for restoring the earth

sound the bells for remedying the rising seas
sound the bells for encouraging kindness
sound the bells for untethering jealousy
sound the bells for transforming malice

sound the bells for peals of laughter
sound the bells for sharing the wealth
sound the bells for feeding the hungry
sound the bells for wisely recycling

sound the bells for renewing our pledges
sound the bells for releasing our sadness
sound the bells for bowing to another
sound the bells for refreshing our hearts

sound the bells for sheltering the homeless
sound the bells for tending the wildlife
sound the bells for igniting the wonder
sound the bells for planting trees, trees, trees

sound the bells for revitalizing mama nature
sound the bells for purifying our mindstreams
sound the bells for cherishing all beings
sound the bells for deepening our friendships
                    and much, much more...

new year’s day bell ringing ceremony 

10 AM - 11:30 AM


crescent moon yoga
w/ susan schanen & annie taylor
606 morris street
la conner, WA 98257


ccmp - outcalt chapel
w/ dunja lingwood
4590 carmel valley rd.
carmel, CA 93923

please come!
for yoga, meditation & bell ringing  ~
bring a bell ( even a pot lid and a spoon will do)
we will ring our bells 108 times -
each person will have an opportunity
to place their wish or prayer in the burn bowl
- affirmations for the new year -
- regrets from the past year -
- any prayer from the heart -
prayers and wishes will be burned
at the end of practice  ~

these classes are by donation..
please bring your deep pockets and generous hearts!

may 2019 bring forth
mighty compassion,
great wisdom, 
vital health,
deep peace, 
hallowed harmony, 
unfettered joy 
& kindness, kindness, kindness…

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

$ 1719

thanksgiving givers..
thank you!

we sent off $1719
to yoga behind bars ~

the small man
builds cages for everyone
he knows.

while the sage,
who has to duck his head
when the moon is low 

keeps dropping keys all night long
for the
               ~ hafiz

dwane, an inmate, who
is has been a yoga teacher 
for 3 years now,
says :
i am in prison but i am not a prisoner.

the function of freedom is to free someone else.
                ~ toni morrison