Wednesday, December 31, 2014

new year wisdom

in the tibetan tradition..
the day before the new year begins
one cleans the house..
the barn.. the
cupboards are emptied of olde food, medicines ~
wooden spoons and cutting boards are oiled anew ~ 
papers are burned..
olde candles half burned are lit to their end..
silver polished..stacks re-stacked..
the clarity of home and hearth
are reflected
in the mirror of the mind ~

may it be just so!

so teach us to number our days,
that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom..
                              psalms 90:12

Monday, December 29, 2014

change is constant ~ no class 3 january

forgive the intrusion of confusion..
there is NO yoga class on
saturday, the 3rd of january 2015

regular schedule resumes
epiphany ~
tuesday,  january 6 8AM

Friday, December 26, 2014


if you can empty your own boat
crossing the river of the world,
no one will oppose you,
no one will seek to harm you.
             ~ chuang tzu

Saturday, December 20, 2014

holidaze schedule in a nut shell

what kind of nut, you ask?

tuesdays ~
Decembre 23 & 30  8AM

saturdays ~
Decembre 27 & January 3 2015  9AM

!!  10 AM  !!
regular asana class followed by -
Japanese bell ceremony
bring bells ~
2-hour sesshin

solstice comes the sun!

Almond blossom, sent to teach us
That the spring days soon will reach us ~

                  Sir Edwin Arnold, Almond Blossom

Thursday, December 18, 2014

2015 heart sutra sits..

40 years of guiding yoga classes ~ 2015
no realizations just yet..
- right around the corner!

heart sutra
for the new year..
~ mark your calendars ~

4-6 pm
by donation

that's as far as we've gotten
into the new year..
be blessed!

bull’s eye
heart sutra

could’ve been the coyote’s lament -
that wistful cry of the loon..

wind carried this arrow of loneliness
full center
on the mark

my heart..
the heart of any who wait by the door
shivered..and asked..
who is calling?
who is coming home?


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

sunset decembre 17 1273

rumi died this day..
the anniversary of his death is called his urs  ~ 
wedding night w/ the beloved ~
he felt that the union w/ the presence
of the one he calls the beloved ..or the friend..
was as natural as breathing..
union w/ that companion
transpires throughout and animates the universe..

i'll say..
his tomb is in konya..turkey..
visited by thousands yearly..

above the door this is written:

i belong to the beloved,
have seen the two worlds as one,
and that one call to and know,
first, last, outer, inner,
only that breath breathing human being.

how alive is he to all of us ~
who read him ..a balm for the heart..

this..from his rubaiyat.. today ..

someone who received 
half a loaf of bread from heaven
and because of her soul's attainment
was given a little nest,
someone who neither desires anybody
nor is desired by anyone -
may she live happily,
for she owns a happy universe.
             translated by kabir helminski

Monday, December 8, 2014

holidaze yoga schedule - new year's eve bell ceremony

ROHATSU - december 8
buddha & buddies sitting the morning star awake!

'tis the season..
as the sun moves northward..
we will be generating joy to the world, eh?

remember :
heart sutra sit
sunday december 14th
4-6 pm
by donation

dunja's class schedule :
12/23  8am

no classes -
wednesday, the 24th - friday, the 26th
12/27   9am

12/30  8am
*10 AM*
special class w/ bell ceremony
plan on a 2-hour sesshin..
(yes, i know how to spell session..)
1 & 1/2 hour asana & 1/2 hour bell ceremony
please bring a bell (there will be a few extras) and a small piece of paper with your  affirmations for the new year and /or regrets from the year past. we will ring our bells 108 times and each person will have an opportunity to place their prayer in the burning bowl. 
all will be burned at the end of the ceremony. we will set up chairs for those who have knees & hips..we will sit for a wee while in stillness..what a way to ring in 2015!

no classes -
wednesday evening (12/31) 7pm - friday, january 2 2015
1/3  9am


glad tidings and good cheer

Sunday, December 7, 2014

1269 = elephant post !

palms together..
trunks uplifted and trumpeting!!!
we sent off the trunkful of donations yesterday..
on st. nick's day..
st. nick is the patron saint of orphans..
how auspicious! that we would offer $1269
to the orphaned elephants of the planet ~

one of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us
to welcome and help people (elephants) in a way we couldn't
as individuals. 
when we pool our strength and share the work and responsibility,
we can welcome many people (elephants), those in deep distress..
                     ~ jean vanier

we certainly could have sent our individual donations 
one by a yoga shala..we are unified..
and it is too much fun to see how vast and wealthy
we are together!

ursula le quin says in a book..
true wealth is spending..
i understand that to say..
true wealth is giving
rumi tells us..
generosity is a gainful trade!

thank you all for sharing your true wealth..
your giving spirit..your deep pockets of kindness..

dhammapada chapter 23 : the elephant

patiently i shall bear harsh words as the
elephant bears arrows on the battlefield.
people are often inconsiderate.

only a trained elephant goes to the battlefield;
only a trained elephant carries a king. best 
among men are those who have trained their 
mind to endure harsh words patiently.

mules are good animals when trained; even
better are well-trained sind horses and great
elephants. best among men is one with a 
well-trained mind.  no animal can take you
to nirvana; only a well-trained mind can
lead you to the untrodden land.

the elephant dhanapalaka in heat will not eat
at all when he is bound; he pines for his mate
in the elephant grove.

eating too much, sleeping too much, like an
overfed hog, those too lazy to exert effort are
born again and again.

long ago my mind used to wander as it liked
and do what it wanted. now i can rule my
mind as the mahout controls the elephant
with his hooked staff.

be vigilant; guard your mind against negative
thoughts. pull yourself out of bad ways as an
elephant raises itself out of the mud.

if you find a friend who is good, wise, and
loving, walk with him all the way and over-
come all dangers.

if you cannot find a friend who is good, wise,
and loving, walk alone, like a king who has
renounced his kingdom or an elephant roam-
ing at will in the forest. it is better to be alone
than to live with the immature. be contented,
and walk alone like an elephant roaming in the
forest. turn away from evil.

it is good to have friends when friendship is
mutual. good deeds are friends at the time of
death. but best of all is going beyond sorrow. 

it is good to be a mother, good to be a father,
good to be one who follows the dharma. but
best of all is to be an illumined sage.

it is good to live in virtue, good to have faith,
good to attain the highest wisdom, good to
be pure in heart and mind. this will bring you
lasting joy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

december heart sutra

once a month,
we gather together
to chant the heart sutra and sit silently..

december 14th
4-6 pm
by donation 

om gate gate 
para gate para samgate
bodhi svaha!