Friday, May 30, 2014

yoga practice..home sweet om!

remember the clear light, 
the pure clear white light from which everything in the universe comes, 
to which everything in the universe returns; 
the original nature of your own mind. 
the natural state of the universe unmanifest. 
let go into the clear light, trust it, merge with it. 
it is your own true nature, 
it is home.
 ~ guru rinpoche..padmasambhava ~

class schedule for a wing and a prayer

jeri lancaster teaches monday evenings @ 7 PM
                      360 299 2519

dunja teaches ~
T/TH @ 8 AM
W  @ 7 PM
F/Sat @ 9 AM
360 770 7891

heart sutra sit - june 8
sunday 4-6PM

Thursday, May 1, 2014

summer heart sutra sits..

please note:
may heart sutra sit is cancelled!

the dates for the summer sits are:
june 8
july 13
august 17
always sunday
4-6 pm
by donation

please join us..

everything rests on the point of intention..
                ~ buddha shakyamuni