Friday, November 29, 2013

yoga in anacortes 2

many a folk turned up for our gratitude in motion
thanksgiving yoga class yesterday..8 am ..imagine..
we filled the studio with 22 yoginis and yogis
& collected $715 to send off to yoga behind bars..

                                        ~ rumi

thank you - to all who participated..
stretching the edges of our own walls..
opening the doors, windows & pockets
of our hearts, bones & minds...

please drop the friday afternoon class
(4:30pm) from your schedules ~

if you feel a need to climb those 3 flights of stairs
on friday, decembre 6th..a wing will be open
for the first friday art walk ..

heart sutra sit..rohatsu..
sunday, decembre 8th
by donation

it is rare to meet one another 
and practice what is rare to practice.
    ~ dogen

ever so greatful for our practice together..

Monday, November 11, 2013

thanks giving yoga anacortes

early on thanksgiving day..
there is a way to say

a wing and a prayer
up the stair
8 am

all the gelt, the gold, the pieces of eight
will be sent directly to:

are we all in prison..?
are we all free..?
let's wake up and see ~

619 commercial avenue
anacortes, wa. 98221

360 770 7891

hunt for the bounty with the snare of gratitude...
                                     ~ rumi

Saturday, November 2, 2013

yoga in anacortes

it's been since valentine's day..
since i have posted any wee thing..

i have landed  ~
back in the olde
wing and a prayer yoga studio..
619 commercial avenue
 room # 34

this time w/ a new and improved..
well, olde and splendidly funky fir floor ~

been receiving some fairly strong nudges
toward a web site..facebook... linkedin..
o my o ~
so my so..

i thought: heydeeho..
i'll post the yoga schedule on the peace blog..
a good place to start..

jeri lancaster, a long time student and recent teacher - training grad
is offering a class on monday evenings ~ 7:00 pm
please call her @ : 360 299 2519

as for my offerings:
tuesday and thursday  8:00 am
wednesday, friday & saturday 9:00 am
wednesday 7:00 pm 
friday afternoon  4:30 pm
same low price ~ drop-in / $15
series of 8 ~ $108

once an month..
on sunday ~ 4 to 6 pm 
11 novembre  - 
8  decembre

we chant the heart sutra..
do a mala round of om gate gate..
sitting meditation w/ a kin-hin inbetwixt ( walking meditation)..
by donation

360 770 7891

this is where i will post  schedule changes
& exciting announcements..
poetry and cosmic who-ha..

'tis the time of gratitude..
thanks for the practice of yoga..
the study of dharma..
the exchange of wisdom w/ brilliant (ordinary) beings..

as it says on the hard copy of the yoga schedule;
nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.
   ~ RWE

may it be just so!